Patient Rights and Responsibilities


You Have The Right To:

Considerate and respectful care including consideration of special religious or cultural needs.

Privacy and confidential treatment of your record and care.

Access to your medical records and to information regarding your diagnoses, treatments and outcomes.

Participate in decisions regarding your care, including refusing treatments when knowledgeable of the consequences of such refusal.

Have your questions, concerns and complaints addressed. We encourage you to speak directly to your caregivers.  


You Have The Responsibility To:

Provide requested information necessary for your care and the efficient billing of your care.

Follow the treatment plan - remember you are involved in developing this plan.

Acknowledge when you do not understand your recommended treatment.

Understand the consequences if treatment is refused or instructions not followed.

Be respectful of other patients, staff, and the property of your health care provider.


We appreciate your trust in Emerald Coast Health Alliance Providers.  We look forward to serving you in the future!




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Last updated: 10/14/20.